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Frequently Asked Questions
How can I book my sessions?The first step is to book a FREE discovery call and if we are a good fit for each other, sessions are booked with me personally.
How many sessions will I need?It depends on your individual situation, what you would like to achieve and how much support is necessary. I offer two coaching packages and will go through them with you personally.
How can I pay for my coaching package?Packages can be paid either by BACS or card.
What is the difference between cognitive behavioural coaching (CBC) and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)?Cognitive Behavioural Coaching (CBC) is a corporate and personal coaching technique that focuses on the present and future and helps those limited by emotional or psychological barriers to reach their goals. Coaches are not therapists or healthcare professionals. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a form of talking therapy, based on a medical model that focuses more on mental illnesses. Therapists usually work with patients for longer periods of time, whereas coaches work with their coachees for shorter periods.
Where do the sessions take place?Either face-to-face in Kenilworth/Warwickshire or virtually via Zoom or Microsoft Teams.
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